History tells us that democracy dies when citizens remain silent and complacent. What is our role as a religious community in defending and preserving democracy? Order Of Service
How are justice and equity religious values — particularly for us as Unitarian Universalists — and what do they call us to do as individuals and as a congregation? Order of Service
Can we work for justice and equity without being in relationship with those who need it? We’ll begin our exploration of this month’s theme — Justice and Equity — by exploring what it means to get proximate, as lawyer and… Read More
Our Universalist roots ground us firmly in Liberating Love. We’ll explore how that Love was conceived by our religious ancestors and how that has evolved to current understandings. Order of Service
What does it mean to say that Love is the central value of Unitarian Universalism? How do our other values flow from love? We’ll explore the center piece of the Article II Commission’s proposal, considering how it challenges and calls… Read More