Archives: Services

Who Loved You into Being?

Bring a photo or memento of your ancestors and/or an offering to contribute to our community altar, and join us in worship as we explore and honor all those who came before us and helped to shape us as we… Read More

Our Blended Family

An important part of our religious heritage is the consolidation or merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America in 1961. We’ll explore how they came together and how that legacy impacts us today and might… Read More

Before UU

We’ll begin our month of exploring the gift of heritage by looking back to our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors. What might our religious forebearers and their experiences have to teach us today? Order of Service

Lessons from Langar

Continuing to explore themes of welcome, change, and radical hospitality, we will reflect upon the Sikh practice of  langar (rhymes with “hunger”) and what lessons it can teach us about ministry within and beyond our walls. Order of Service