Archives: Services

The Gifts of the Magi

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. Adam Slate helped us to unpack the visit of the three Magi to see what lessons we can learn from them and reflected on the significance of their story to a… Read More

A Journey to Joy

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. We enjoyed the acting talents of members of the UUC community in this year’s multigenerational, no-rehearsal play, A Christmas Carol (written by Unitarian Charles Dickens!). What can we learn from Scrooge’s… Read More

Reclaiming Joy

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. In a season when joy can sometimes feel obligatory, in a time when we’re acutely aware of sadness and loss, what are we to do with joy? How might we reclaim… Read More

Opening to Joy

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. We began our month exploring how and why we might open to joy by considering what we mean by Joy and its role in our lives.  Listen to the podcast:


A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. Today we welcomed back (via video from California) our former minister for the first day of Hannukah.  Listen to the podcast: