Archives: Services

Widening Our Hearts

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. We celebrated Valentine’s Day early as we explored how we might widen the circle of our care by opening our hearts. We were joined by our Stuffed Animal friends.  Listen to… Read More

Widening Our Reach

A dual-platform worship service both in person and via Zoom. Our virtual guest preacher was Rev. Mary Katherine Morn, president of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). She spoke of how the UUSC helps us widen the circle of our… Read More

Intentionally Imperfect

A dual-platform service both in person and via Zoom. We ended our month-long exploration of living with intention by considering what might happen if we intentionally risked making mistakes. What might it mean for us to abandon striving for perfection… Read More

Living with Intention

A virtual service. There is often a gap between what we as humans profess to believe and the values reflected in our actions. Putting our principles into actual practice in our lives can be challenging, but without doing so, they… Read More