Speaker: Rev. Pam Philips

Expecting Surprises

We’ll explore how we can become numbed by our routines and what might happen if we were to expect to be surprised. Expect to be surprised by this whole family, multi-generational service. Listen to the podcast:

Holy (Whole We) Waters

Join Rev. Pam and Worship Associate Stephen Henninger as we celebrate the uniquely UU water ritual. Everyone is invited to bring a small portion of water to pour into a communal vessel, symbolizing how our individual offerings mingle together to… Read More

Sources of Our Self Worth

Rev. Pam will explore how we determine who we are in the world and how we measure our worth in a sermon inspired by auction-winner Avi Shroff, who was in turn inspired by an essay written by her daughter, the… Read More

The Demands of Beauty

We’ll complete our month of considering what it means to be a people of beauty by exploring what beauty calls us to do in the world. Listen to the podcast:  

Our Need for Beauty

Is beauty a luxury or a necessity? John O’Donohue asserts that “The human soul is hungry for beauty.” How does beauty feed us, and what would happen if we were starved from it? Listen to the podcast:   Follow this… Read More