Speaker: Rev. Pam Philips

Attention to Action

Paying attention is the first step toward change. We’ve become more attentive to the climate crisis, but how we can move from attention to action and advocacy? Joining religious communities across Virginia participating in Climate in the Pulpits (sponsored by… Read More

Widening the Circle

We find comfort and security in belonging, but we may also risk excluding others. What can we do to foster both comfort and welcome? New members will be recognized this Sunday, as well. Listen to the podcast:  

Whose Are We?

If we are a people of belonging, a fundamental question to ask is to whom or what do we belong? Listen to the podcast:  

Greater Expectations

We’ll explore how we can hold ourselves back by having low expectations and how we might live into our highest and best selves by opening up to greater possibilities. Listen to the podcast:  

Dashed Expectations

What happens when our expectations of the world are not realized? What can we do when we’re faced with disequilibrium and disappointment? Listen to the podcast:  

Figments of Our Expectations

We’ll mark the opening day of the Religious Education year with a backpack blessing for those who have returned to school and then explore how our beliefs can sometimes give us unrealistic and unhelpful expectations of ourselves and others. Listen… Read More