Unitarian minister A. Powell Davies said, “Life is just a chance to grow a soul.” The times we are living in now surely call for soul growth. We’ll examine what that means in this service, drawing on literature, spiritual practice,… Read More
Each Sunday we affirm our covenant to build a “spiritual community based on reason and courageous love.” What if we were to practice courageous love both within and beyond our walls with people with whom we strongly disagree, going beyond… Read More
If you are not Tutelo or Monacan people, you came here from elsewhere. When you or your ancestors left this elsewhere, what did you give up to come here? What did you bring? How do those gifts and sacrifices meld… Read More
We’ll complete our month of considering what it means to be a people of beauty by exploring what beauty calls us to do in the world.
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How do we experience beauty? What role do our senses play in crafting our relationship with beauty? Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder? Together we’ll explore our notions of beauty.
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