Archives: Services

Connecting with Curiosity

On this Memorial Day we’ll explore how curiosity can help us create the basis for connections—with ourselves, with others, and with the past. After the service, we’ll make our way up the Meditation Path for a special dedication of the… Read More

Bridging into the Future

Each year, the youth of UUC lead a service to mark transitions–the Coming of Age youth move into YRUU and the high school seniors move into young adulthood. This year, we’ll also recognize those who are ready to join UUC… Read More

Nurturing Curiosity

Children are naturally curious, asking constant questions to help them understand the world and their place in it. We’ll explore how we might tap into and cultivate our natural inquisitiveness to help us discover who we are and who we… Read More

Whose Are We?

If we are a people of belonging, a fundamental question to ask is to whom or what do we belong?  

Hope’s Alive and Singing

Come hear Andrew Neil, singer/songwriter, who will share his story in words and songs. It is a story of trauma, recovery, and hope. He’ll be joined by his parents and members of UUC’s Mental Health Justice Ministry and the New… Read More