Archives: Services

Meeting Yourself

If you met yourself on the side of the road, would you recognize that person? You have been with this person all your life, but do you truly know who you are? When we take away the person that we… Read More

Attention to Action

Paying attention is the first step toward change. We’ve become more attentive to the climate crisis, but how we can move from attention to action and advocacy? Joining religious communities across Virginia participating in Climate in the Pulpits (sponsored by… Read More

Widening the Circle

We find comfort and security in belonging, but we may also risk excluding others. What can we do to foster both comfort and welcome? New members will be recognized this Sunday, as well. Listen to the podcast:  

Whose Are We?

If we are a people of belonging, a fundamental question to ask is to whom or what do we belong? Listen to the podcast:  

The Power of Belonging

As we mark the beginning of Mental Illness Awareness Week, we’ll explore how important belonging is for those who work to raise awareness and end the stigma of mental illness. We’ll also celebrate the work of our Mental Health Justice… Read More