Archives: Services

In Awe of Stillness

People for millennia have experienced the moment when the sun seems to hold still in the sky with awe and wonder. We’ll mark the Winter Solstice with a special service that will include walking the solstice spiral together. Listen to… Read More

Awe and Reverence

If awe evokes reverence, then what does reverence inspire? What might it mean to move through the world with more reverence? We’ll explore the role of awe and reverence in a 21st century life. Listen to the podcast:  

Holiday Multi-generational Service

Join in the fun for our annual multi-generational no-rehearsal pageant, this year based on the holiday classic cartoon, “Frosty the Snowman.” Those registered in The Buddy Project get to meet their buddies!   There is no podcast for this service.   

Everything Is Awesome!

We’ll begin our exploration of what it means to be a people of awe with a family service that invites us to discover all the ways we can be inspired by the world around us and each other. Listen to… Read More

Transforming our Attention

Our congregational mission statement invites us to transform our community and the world through courageous love. Before we change others, though, we may need to change ourselves and the way we see the world—which can also take courage. We’ll consider… Read More

Contemplating Compassion

On the heels of World Kindness Day, we’ll explore the connection between mindfulness and kindness. How might a mindfulness practice make us more attentive to the well-being of those around us and ourselves? We will also celebrate welcoming some of… Read More