A virtual service. Several years ago, Karen Armstrong initiated the Charter for Compassion hoping to start a world-wide movement to encourage people and religions to embrace the core value of compassion. As we work to create our own compassionate community,… Read More
A virtual service. The Dalai Lama says, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” We’ll explore what it means to cultivate compassion for ourselves and others in our lives.
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A virtual service. We’ll begin our month-long consideration of what it means to be a people of compassion by exploring the root of the word–to suffer with–in relation to the pain and anger stirred by the most recent killings of… Read More
A virtual service. This year, we’re re-imagining this quintessential UU ritual—the Flower Communion. We’ll co-create our new virtual ritual including photographs of our members with flowers—all colors, shapes, and sizes—to celebrate our beloved UUC community.
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A virtual service. We’ll celebrate UUSC (Unitarian Universalist Service Committee) Sunday, learning about how our religious tradition works for justice and exploring ways we can continue that practice into the future.
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Our service was held virtually via Zoom. Each year, the youth of UUC lead a service to mark transitions–the Coming of Age youth move into YRUU and the high school seniors move into young adulthood. Come celebrate our youth!
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