Archives: Services

Sophia: Wisdom Personified

Exploring Wisdom during Women’s History Month invites us to consider the ancient concept of wisdom as a personified feminine being. Listen to the podcast:  

Wisdom of Generosity

We’ll kick off this year’s stewardship campaign – 2020: Vision and Visibility — by exploring the role of generosity in our lives. Listen to the podcast:

Not a Solo Sport

We draw on reserves of resilience when we face personal crises, but we can also cultivate and exercise resilience as communities. We’ll explore what it means to be people of resilience together. We’ll also welcome new members with a recognition… Read More

What’s Joy Got to Do With It?

Rev. Pam and Worship Associate Stephen Henninger. Sharon Salzberg suggests that “Happiness is an arm of resilience.” What does experiencing pleasure and joy have to do with our ability to face life’s most difficult moments? Listen to the podcast: