Archives: Services

Bigger Boat Theology

A virtual service. We’ve been sailing all our lives now, never a time like this have we known. In the era of Covid-19, the task of social justice and mercy require creatively re-imagining the work before us. “We’re gonna need… Read More

Liberation from Expectations

Considering worship themes three weeks in advance seems an exercise in futility. So much has changed so quickly over the past month. This week, we’ll practice being liberated from expectations and trust in our worship team to create a vibrant… Read More

Easter in Our Time

Easter Sunday can be a theological and liturgical challenge for Unitarian Universalist congregations filled with people for whom the most holy of Christian holidays has varying degrees of meaning. Some have fond memories of palm crosses and pansies, others of… Read More

Liberated from the Bonds of Space

Gathering virtually means that we are not bound by time or space—people can record videos and music to share at a later time, and we are joined by people from across the globe. We’ll take advantage of this liberation by… Read More

Indigenous Wisdom

A virtual service via Zoom. In the 21st century, so much of what we know of the world stems from modern science and technology, but as Unitarian Universalists, we claim as another of our sources the earth-centered traditions. We’ll explore… Read More

Wisdom Literature

As we are not meeting in person to protect our members, join us for our virtual service via Zoom. Use this link to access the service. While Jewish and Christian teachings are among our six sources, we seldom turn to them… Read More