Archives: Services

Active Compassion

A virtual service. We’ll begin our month-long consideration of what it means to be a people of compassion by exploring the root of the word–to suffer with–in relation to the pain and anger stirred by the most recent killings of… Read More

Blossoming Anew

A virtual service. This year, we’re re-imagining this quintessential UU ritual—the Flower Communion. We’ll co-create our new virtual ritual including photographs of our members with flowers—all colors, shapes, and sizes—to celebrate our beloved UUC community.  Listen to the podcast:  

Crossing Life Thresholds

Our service was held virtually via Zoom. Each year, the youth of UUC lead a service to mark transitions–the Coming of Age youth move into YRUU and the high school seniors move into young adulthood. Come celebrate our youth! Listen… Read More

Personal Thresholds

A virtual service. Our limits are often not discovered until they are crossed. How might we use this time of enforced isolation to explore and define our boundaries—as individuals and in community? Listen to the podcast noting that there is… Read More

Living in the Liminal

A virtual service. We’ll begin our exploration of what it means to be a people of “threshold” by considering what this time is teaching us about not moving past a threshold but staying in it.  Listen to the podcast: