Archives: Services

What about Gratitude?

A virtual service. As we approach Thanksgiving, join Worship Associates Stephen Henninger and Ellen Plummer as we consider how gratitude may be connected to our ability to offer healing to ourselves and others.  Listen to the podcast:

Remembrance and Repair

A virtual service. Our society can inflict wounds, and worse, on those whom it deems outside the norm. This Sunday, we’ll remember those who have suffered and died from transphobia and consider how we can help heal our society. Here’s… Read More

A Time to Heal

A virtual service. In the wake/in the midst of a particularly polarized election season and pandemic, we’ll explore how we might feel more secure and whole in what feels like a crazy world. What does it mean to be a… Read More

Listening to Our Past

A virtual service. As we approach All Hallows Eve, what can we learn from those who have gone before? We’ll consider, among others, one of our foremothers, Anna Garlin Spencer (a favorite of George Lally who won the service auction… Read More

Listening to Our Lives

A virtual service. Our attention often gets pulled to the noise and confusion of the world around us making it difficult to heed quieter voices. How can we silence the cacophony, and what might we learn?  Listen to the podcast:… Read More