Archives: Services

Stories of War

A virtual service. On this day before Memorial Day, we will consider stories of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  Listen to the podcast:

Turning the Page

Join us at our virtual service via this link. The stories of our lives are punctuated by chapters. This week, we’ll recognize and celebrate the transition from middle to high school with our Coming of Age youth, and the transition… Read More

The Stories of UUs

A virtual service. As we celebrate the anniversary of the Unitarians and Universalists coming together 60 years ago, how might our collective stories from the past help us navigate our way into the future?  Listen to the podcast:

Nurturing Stories

A virtual service.. Mother’s Day calls us to remember stories of mothers, but we know that one need not be a mother to nurture and support others. We will consider all kinds of mothering.  Listen to the podcast:

Learn Some UU History

Join our virtual service via this Zoom link. Rev. Doug McCusker of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg and Victoria Taylor will be sharing The Humanist Manifesto of 1933. How did this inflection point in Unitarian history impact our denomination and the world? Stay… Read More