Archives: Services

In-Gathering in Two Spaces

This year’s Water Service, a beloved Unitarian Universalist tradition, was even more special as we gathered in the sanctuary and on Zoom at the same time for the first time. We will continue holding dual-platform services each week.  Listen to… Read More

At the Threshold

A virtual service. As we prepare for our first hybrid (in-person and online) service on August 29, 8 congregants reflected on the ways that our UUC community has supported us through the pandemic thus far.  Listen to the podcast:  

Observing Sabbath

A virtual service. Is Sabbath a practice reserved for the religious? Do we dare rest from our labor? Does our faith differ from others with regard to productivity? Join Ellen Plummer and Kimberley Homer as we celebrate rest and delight… Read More

Learn Some UU History

A virtual service. Rev. Doug McCusker of Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fredericksburg and Victoria Taylor will be sharing The Humanist Manifesto of 1933. How did this inflection point in Unitarian history impact our denomination and the world?  Listen to the… Read More

Original Sin

A virtual service. Unitarian Universalists, especially the Humanists among us, reject the notion that Original Sin has any dominion over us. Does that mean we are absolved? Come hear about a brief history of sin, and where we fit in it. … Read More