Archives: Services

Got Soul? 

Cultures through time and around the world have some concept of Soul – but what is it and how might it affect how we see ourselves and our place in the world? We will explore Soul – brought to you… Read More

Widening the Circle at the Margin

A congregation tends to think of itself as a single cohesive community but is actually made up of smaller distinct groups, each with a different history, set of concerns, and level of access. A healthy, loving, and justice-minded congregation continually… Read More

UUA General Assembly Sunday Worship

This year’s UUA General Assembly Sunday morning worship explores the role of local congregations in this time. Join Worship Associate Victoria Taylor in viewing our annual UU Mega-Church service led by some gifted UU worship leaders including Rev. Gretchen Haley… Read More

Growing with the Sun

Our dual-platform worship service both in person and via Zoom. A celebration of the Solstice, neighbors, and blooming where you’re planted. Congregants Kimberley and KC share their experiences growing (and maybe crowing) with what they’ve got.  Listen to the podcast: