Our Staff
Rev. Pam Philips is an ordained UU Minister. Prior to serving UUC, she was a member of Thomas Jefferson Memorial UU Church in Charlottesville, VA. She began serving the congregation on August 1, 2017.
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 9 AM – 1 PM, by appointment
Wednesdays 9 AM – 1 PM, by appointment
Thursdays 9AM – 1PM, by appointment
Make an appointment online
Email Rev. Pam
Director of Lifespan Faith Development
Rachel Craine has been involved with religious education at UUC since 2005 and has an extensive background working with children.
Office Hours:
By appointment
Email Rachel for info about our LFD program.
Learn more about our Lifespan Faith Development Program
Congregational Administrator
Jenny Fairchild has always worked in non-profit and faith communities because she believes that good organizations grow good people who transform the world.
Office Hours: By appointment.
Music Director
Jared Gibbs began playing for UUC in 2007. He teaches English at Virginia Tech.