Rev. Pam will be on sabbatical from June 24th through September 24th. This will be a time for rest and renewal, and she is grateful for the staff and congregants who will help ensure that all our shared ministries will continue in her absence. She will not be reading her email until her return.

Our Sunday Morning Services will be ably led by members of the worship team with guest speakers, including UU ministers, seminarians, chaplains, and lay leaders. Find out more about who is speaking and their themes on the Upcoming Services page of our website.

Please contact worship associate Victoria Taylor with any questions, suggestions, and compliments about Sunday services. As always, Lucas Machi heads up our AV team, Lisa Evanylo and Akiko Nakato head up our greeters, and the Connections Committee appreciates volunteers providing snacks for coffee hour (sign up here).

Pastoral Care and Other Support – Pastoral care will be ably provided by members of our Lay Pastoral Care Ministry, along with Ellen Plummer, M.Div., and Rev. Emily Rhodes Hunter (a local Presbyterian minister).

Please contact Jane Mahone, facilitator of LPCM, with any pastoral needs, including serious illness, hospitalization, death, and other losses. She will connect you with the appropriate support. As always, Polly Stimson heads up our Caring Network, which provides more concrete help like meals, transportation, and childcare for those in need. You can contact her at The Community Assistance Fund is available for those with emergency financial needs; contact Director of Lifespan Faith Development Rachel Craine.

Rites of Passage – If you are in need of an officiant for a Wedding, contact Rev. Jamie McReynolds, who may be able to officiate or connect you with another officiant. If you need an officiant for a Memorial Service, contact Ellen Plummer.

Administrative Issues will continue to be addressed by our administrator, Bekah Parker. These include questions about communications (such as the website, calendar, and email announcements), finances, and building use. 

Lifespan Faith Development will continue to be ably led by DLFD Rachel Craine. Please contact her with any questions or concerns about lifespan faith development. She will also coordinate forming new Soul Matters small groups in the fall. You can still sign up to volunteer for summer RE classes and register your children and youth for fall RE

The UUC Executive Board will continue to discuss and make decisions regarding matters of Congregation management, operations, and policy. Please contact President Laura Robinson with any business for the board.

If you do not know who to ask or tell something to, contact the Sabbatical Committee – Toni Cox, Ashley Dugan, George Lally, and Jane Keppel-Benson. They have agreed to help Rev. Pam take a sabbatical from her duties by serving as a repository for activities/comments/suggestions that occur while she’s away (and guide her through her return to work). Contact them at