What does it mean to practice repair? We’ll begin our exploration of this month’s theme by considering how we approach a world that seems to be falling apart. What is our role? What can we do?
Order of Service
As we approach the presidential election during a time of extreme political polarity, it’s getting harder for us to hear opposing ideas. What can we do to listen in new ways to those with whom we disagree and what might… Read More
We often find ourselves paying attention to all the voices in our lives — from our friends and family, our workplaces, the larger society — and sometimes disregard that still, small voice within.
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. … Read More
We’ll continue our exploration of the Practice of Deep Listening by considering how our Lay Pastoral Care Ministry team members learn to listen in ways that help congregants navigate their way through difficult times.
Order of Service
What does it mean to hear, or better yet to listen to the spirit, especially as Unitarian Universalists? As we begin our exploration of Living Love through the practice of Deep Listening, we’ll consider what it might mean to listen for the divine… Read More
All are welcome to our worship service, either in person or via this Zoom link.
As we embark on a new church year, we are invited to use new language to describe who we are as Unitarian Universalists. How… Read More