Speaker: Denise Martin

Welcoming ALL

Humans exist along all kinds of spectrums, yet we tend to see them in absolute or binary terms. How can we break down some of those boxes and see people as all of who they are? Please submit Joys and Sorrows via… Read More

Standing at the Threshold

Staring at a new year fraught with uncertainty begs for strategies to uphold us in the present and sustain us into the future.  Let’s explore some of these strategies and envision the possibilities for the coming year. Please submit Joys and… Read More

When Listening is Scary

As we approach the presidential election during a time of extreme political polarity, it’s getting harder for us to hear opposing ideas. What can we do to listen in new ways to those with whom we disagree and what might… Read More

How Wide Does the Door Open?

In our consideration of the theme of invitation during September, we reflect on our commitment to be welcoming of all.  But is a wide open welcome possible, or wise?  Are there individuals we would not open our doors for, and… Read More