indicates there is an (mp3) audio link for the sermon. |
Riding the Waves of Change (May 29, 2011). The talkback is included in the podcast. The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Manna Lundberg. |
Look What We Did! (May 22, 2011). The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jane Mahone. Note! After the service, Rev. Brownlie remembered a few more things regarding our hisstory that she felt should have been included. Accordingly, on May 28 a couple of minites with these additional items were added to the podcast. |
Meet God’s Wife! (May 8, 2011). The talkback is included in the podcast. The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jim Kern. |
A Faith Without A Creed (March 20, 2011). The talkback is included in the podcast. The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Kathy Welch. |
Can Art Save Us? (March 13, 2011). The talkback is included in the podcast. The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jim Kern. |
Forgiving the Unjust (February 20, 2011). The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jane Mahone. |
What Would MLK Say Today? (January 16, 2011). The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jane Mahone, whose introductory remarks about MLK are included in the podcast. The talkback is also included in the podcast. |
Drawing a Line: The Atheist-Theist Split (January 9, 2011). The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Amado Ohland. Reverend Brownlie began the service with some comments about the shootings yesterday of the Congresswoman from Arizona, among others. These remarks are included in the podcast. |
The Ties that Bind (December 12, 2010). This Sunday we will welcome new members into our Congregation and hear from Karen Gray, George Lally and Victoria Taylor as they share their experiences that led to their becoming a part of our diverse and eclectic Congregation. |
Celebrating the Great Mother!. (October 17, 2010) The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Dick Luke. The talkback is included in the podcast. The Mantra for Durga played during the service is at this URL. The story read by Chris and Dick is at this URL. |
Catching Our Balance. (October 3, 2010) The minister was assisted by Worship Associate Jane Mahone. The talkback is included in the podcast. |
Islamaphobia. The talkback is included in the podcast. (September 12, 2010). On the previous day (September 11), Rev. Brownlie hosted a “Read-In” of passages from the Koran. About 70 people from the community attended, and several did readings in Arabaic and in English |
Who’s Knocking on the Door? Podcast | Text (July 4, 2010). Assisted by Worship Associate, Dick Luke. The podcast includes the talkback. |
We remember: Reflections on Memorial Day (May 30, 2010). Assisted by Worship Associate, Daid Warner. Reflections were shared with the Congregation by veterans Crosby Houston, David Warner, Dick Kates, and Dick Bauman. The podcast includes the talkback. |
Why Do We Call It “Worship”? (April 11, 2010). Assisted by Worship Associate, David Warner. The podcast includes an introduction and the talkback. |
The Spiritual Discipline of Letting Go (February 28, 2010). Text version. | Readings and the talkback following the sermon are included in the podcast. |
The Heart of Unitarian Universalism (January 10, 2010). The talkback following the sermon is included in the podcast. (After the service, Reverend Brownlie realized that she misspoke when she named our only “official” Unitarian heretic. It was Abner Kneeland, not Jabez Sunderland.) |
Whatever Happened to Ethics? (October 18, 2009). Text | Audio |
America’s Religious Roots (July 5, 2009). Text | Audio |
What is Fathering? (June 21, 2009). Text | Audio |
The Path of Atheism (May 3, 2009). Text | Audio |
- The Gift of Forgiveness (April 12, 2009).
- When Is Enough Enough? (April 5, 2009).
- Stewardship Sunday: Stand by this Faith! (March 22, 2009).
- UUSC Justice Sunday: Water Rights and Water Wrongs (March 15, 2009).
- Is Unitarian Universalism a Philosophy or a Religion? (March 8, 2009).
- Betrayal and Recovery (March 1, 2009).
- Looking for Love (February 15, 2009).
- Praise the Lord for Evolution? (February 8, 2009).
- The Work of a Citizen (January 18, 2009).
- The Sources of Our Faith: Humanism (January 11, 2009).
- Food Resolutions (January 4, 2009).
The Myth of the Messiah (December 14, 2008). Text | Audio |
- World AIDS Day (December 7, 2008).
- A Faith for Tough Times (November 9, 2008).
- Feast, Fast, and Famine (October 12, 2008).
- Ethical Eating (October 5, 2008).
- Thoreau’s Favorite Visitor (September 28, 2008).
- The Price of Being Right (September 14, 2008).
- What Do We Want? The Ultimate and the Intimate (May 18, 2008).
- Do We Care Enough to Share? (April 6, 2008).
- Giving Up Jesus (March 23, 2008).
- More than Bricks (March 9, 2008).
- If a Tree Falls and I Don’t Hear It … (January 13, 2008).
- Look at that Star! (January 6, 2008).
- Living Without a “Why” (December 9, 2007).
- Light One Candle (December 2, 2007).
- The Paul We Never Knew (November 25, 2007).
- These Roots That Hold Us Close (September 16, 2007).
- What I Believe but Cannot Prove (September 9, 2007).
- Art and Soul (August 19, 2007).
- A Resolution Worth Practicing (December 31, 2006).
- Our Theological House: The metaphor of a theological house that inspires this series of sermons comes from a series of lectures by the Rev. Rebecca Parker, President of Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkley California.
- What Are You Doing Here? (September 24, 2006).
- Imagination and Religion (August 20, 2006).
- To Be Announced (May 21, 2006).
- The Slow Lane (May 14, 2006).
- Faith Without Certainty (April 16, 2006).
- What Does Your Money Say About Your Life? (April 9, 2006).
- Is There Only One True Religion or Are There Many? (March 12, 2006).
- The Noble Path of Buddhism (February 26, 2006).
- What Is This Thing Called Spirituality? (January 22, 2006).
- How Unitarians and Universalists Saved Christmas (December 11, 2005).
- Watch Out! It’s Affluenza Season (November 20, 2005).
- Question Box Sermon (November 13, 2005).
- Why Human Beings Need Intelligent Design (November 6, 2005).
- When Things Fall Apart (May 15, 2005).
- Atonement: Is God a Child Abuser? (March 27, 2005).
- The Faith of Charles Darwin (February 6, 2005).
- An Evening with Job (January 9, 2005).
- The Values I Live By (December 12, 2004).
- Doubt as a Spiritual Path (August 15, 2004).
- Can Unitarian Universalists Talk About God? (April 25, 2004).
- What is Marriage For? (February 15, 2004).
- It’s Not Enough to be Nice! (September 21, 2003). This is part of a service on the Welcoming Congregation and the UUC.
- What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality? (August 24, 2003).
- So What’s a Nice Humanist, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan, Hindu, Moslem Doing in a Place Like This?(July 27, 2003).
- There is Joy in Being a Cracked Pot (June 29, 2003).
- Who were the Universalists? (May 4, 2003).
- The “Frdquo; Word: Some Thoughts on Faith (March 16, 2003).
- “But the Children of Korah Did Not Die.” What Do I Mean When I Say “Liberal”? (January 12, 2003)
- Like Sunshine: The life and theology of Theodore Parker (January 5, 2003)
- How can I know if I am really a UU? (November 10, 2002)
- The following seven sermons (in chronological order) made up a series on The Eight Themes that Unite Us.
- What do You Mean When You Say God? (January 21, 2001)
- Our Humanist Heritage (May 14, 2000)
- Our Seven Principles: Whose Idea Was This? (February 6, 2000)
All sermons were delivered at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation (which was named the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of the New River Valley, prior to 1 July 2003), Blacksburg, VA.