Your purchases at Kroger can benefit UUC | Check out our Fundraising webpage and sign up.

Recycle Aluminum tab tops cans: bring yours to the containers in the coatroom upstairs and the downstairs hallway to place any of these item which will benefit The Ronald McDonald House in Roanoke. Questions, contact Molly McClintock.

Recycle Used Pill Bottles for Animal Shelter: 1. Peel off the labels. 2. Place the capped bottles in a bag with handles. 3. Put the bag of bottles on a hanger in the coatroom (beside the restrooms). Questions? Reach out to Karen at (540) 572-8818 by phone call or text.

Recycle Batteries for non-profits: Place old rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries on the table in the foyer of the old coatroom near the accessible entrance. No damaged batteries, please.