The Right Relations Team


Our team has two missions. 

First, we provide educational programs for the congregation on communications and conflict transformation. These will be announced as they are scheduled. 

Second, we provide resources and support for UUC members and friends who are experiencing a conflict with one another. Rather than ignoring or avoiding conflicts, we believe that conflict is an opportunity for growth and understanding of both self and others. In this way, conflict can be transformative. 

Conflict transformation begins with listening and understanding the contexts and perspectives of the involved parties. Instead of minimizing or dampening differences, the goal of conflict transformation is to clarify differences in perspectives. Only by truly hearing and understanding the other person can transformation occur.  When one party understands another in a full way, learning and change occurs for that person, and the conflict becomes transformed.    

Our congregation is healthier when our members feel safe expressing their differences in addition to their similarities. Disagreements often result in a more thorough study of options and better decisions and direction, as well as ensuring that multiple people feel included in the process.

If you are experiencing a conflict with another congregant, you are always encouraged to communicate directly and resolve the conflict. If you are unsure of how to do that, or have some reservations or questions about how to do that, we are here to support your growth as a coach or with resources to help you prepare for a courageous conversation. You might find the resource titled RRT Support Document 1: Self-Reflection, and RRT Support Document 2: Approaching a Mutually Respectful Conversation, to be especially helpful. 

If you believe that a facilitator or mediator would be helpful to be present at or guide you through a courageous conversation, we are here to support you in that way. Mediation seeks to focus on parties’ willingness to solve the problem rather than finding out if someone is guilty or at fault.

The links below include more details about the philosophy of RRT, how to contact the RRT, what to expect, and resources for your use. 


Philosophy of Right Relations

RRT Benefits

What the RRT Cannot Offer

Who Serves on the Right Relations Team

The Conflict Engagement Process 

Request for RRT Assistance

Application for the UUC Right Relations Team


Conflict Transformation Resources

RRT Support Document 1: Self Reflection

RRT Support Document 2: Approaching a Mutually Respectful Conversation

RRT Resources