Speaker: Victoria Taylor

Water Communion

The Water Communion was first held at a Unitarian Universalist worship service in the 1980s. Many UU congregations now hold a Water Communion once a year, often at the beginning of the new church year (September). Members bring a small… Read More

Deeds AND Creeds: A New UU Motto?

One unofficial UU motto is “deeds not creeds”, but aren’t our actions built on a foundation of beliefs? How do we acquire our “moral compass” that can guide our actions? Bill will explore these issues within the context of specific UU history… Read More

Renewal or Recuperation?

Is renewal an opportunity or a mandate?  Should we use the opportunity of renewal to craft our futures or is it to clean up our past?  What sorts of  events or circumstances do we choose to renew from? Victoria will… Read More

A Blessed Bouquet

Join us for a service of celebration. Bring a flower to add to our congregational bouquet for our annual flower communion. Celebrate our newest members with a recognition ceremony. Stay after the service to enjoy Sundae Sunday to celebrate all the volunteers… Read More