Every congregation has a story full of complex characters and conflicts – some well-resolved and others hidden in closets. What might we need to unpack and uncover to more fully own our heritage? Order of Service
An important part of our religious heritage is the consolidation or merger of the American Unitarian Association and the Universalist Church of America in 1961. We’ll explore how they came together and how that legacy impacts us today and might… Read More
We’ll begin our month of exploring the gift of heritage by looking back to our Unitarian and Universalist ancestors. What might our religious forebearers and their experiences have to teach us today? Order of Service
What does it mean to truly welcome all? Does it require more than just a ready smile and an open heart? What are we willing to risk changing as a community to ensure that others don’t have to change who… Read More
We know that the only constant is change, so what might it mean to welcome change in all its guises? In ourselves, our loved ones, our institutions, and our world. Order of Service
Many see Labor Day weekend as the unofficial end of summer, but to others it acknowledges the worth and dignity of those who work. What can we as Unitarian Universalists learn from considering the origins and current relevance of Labor… Read More