What might it take to accept and welcome all of who we are, even those parts that we try to hide from ourselves and the rest of the world?
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. Order of Service
Humans exist along all kinds of spectrums, yet we tend to see them in absolute or binary terms. How can we break down some of those boxes and see people as all of who they are?
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via… Read More
All are welcome to our worship service, either in person or via this Zoom link.
What stories do we tell about who we are as a nation? What stories could we tell?
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link.… Read More
How do the stories we tell — to ourselves and others — help us live love in the world? We’ll begin our month-long exploration of the Practice of Story.
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. Order of Service