Speaker: Ellen Plummer

Observing Sabbath

A virtual service. Is Sabbath a practice reserved for the religious? Do we dare rest from our labor? Does our faith differ from others with regard to productivity? Join Ellen Plummer and Kimberley Homer as we celebrate rest and delight… Read More

Playing with Words

A virtual service. In honor of Father’s Day, we will explore playing with language with what’s come to be known as Dad Jokes. Come feel your spirits lifted with laughter. Listen to the podcast:

Stories of War

A virtual service. On this day before Memorial Day, we will consider stories of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.  Listen to the podcast:

The Stories of UUs

A virtual service. As we celebrate the anniversary of the Unitarians and Universalists coming together 60 years ago, how might our collective stories from the past help us navigate our way into the future?  Listen to the podcast: