History tells us that democracy dies when citizens remain silent and complacent. What is our role as a religious community in defending and preserving democracy? Order Of Service
Our Universalist roots ground us firmly in Liberating Love. We’ll explore how that Love was conceived by our religious ancestors and how that has evolved to current understandings. Order of Service
Robert Weston advised us: “Cherish your doubts, for doubt is the attendant to truth.” This Sunday we will explore the roles doubt and curiosity play in our tradition, as well as our willingness (or resistance) to admit – and celebrate… Read More
If Generosity is indeed a core value of Unitarian Universalism, then how might we express that value? What would it mean to “freely and compassionately share our faith, presence, and resources”? Order of Service
Every congregation has a story full of complex characters and conflicts – some well-resolved and others hidden in closets. What might we need to unpack and uncover to more fully own our heritage? Order of Service
Continuing to explore themes of welcome, change, and radical hospitality, we will reflect upon the Sikh practice of langar (rhymes with “hunger”) and what lessons it can teach us about ministry within and beyond our walls.
Order of Service