What are the bedrock sources of trust in our lives? On what can we rely, especially in times of trouble?
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. Order of Service
Out of many, one – so says our national motto. How might we live more fully into this aspiration?
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. Order of Service
How do the stories we tell — to ourselves and others — help us live love in the world? We’ll begin our month-long exploration of the Practice of Story.
Please submit Joys and Sorrows via this link. Order of Service
What does it mean to be “present” and how might practicing presence help us to center love in our lives? We’ll begin our exploration of this month’s theme together in a multigenerational worship service, providing everyone with opportunities to practice… Read More
What does it mean to practice repair? We’ll begin our exploration of this month’s theme by considering how we approach a world that seems to be falling apart. What is our role? What can we do?
Order of Service
We’ll continue our exploration of the Practice of Deep Listening by considering how our Lay Pastoral Care Ministry team members learn to listen in ways that help congregants navigate their way through difficult times.
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