Visiting UUC
Welcome! We hope you find at UUC a place that nurtures your spirit and inspires you.
We hope that you will visit us at Unitarian Universalist Congregation (UUC) in Blacksburg. You are welcome anytime! All are embraced here—wherever they may be on their religious or spiritual journey. Our congregation is a home to seekers—a sanctuary free from dogma and creed, where all may explore, together, the great questions of this life we share.
Visitors often ask, “What is Unitarian Universalism?” We are an inclusive religion which teaches us that we’re all connected, and thus, it behooves us to treat one another with respect and dignity.
Every week at UUC, we offer a worship service for adults, age-appropriate Sunday school for children and youth, stimulating conversation, and lively community. Our ongoing connectional activities include discussion groups, meditation, yoga, adult enrichment classes, potlucks, small groups, book studies, support groups, a labyrinth, and more.
You are warmly welcome to attend any gathering at UUC. Visitors find inspiration, connection, creativity, and transformation here.
The Sunday service is at the center of our life as a Congregation. This is a sacred time for us as we gather to reflect on the values that we share, to rejoice in the goodness and beauty of life, and to consider the challenges that we face as individuals and as members of the global community. The topics that are addressed in our services vary widely, but the themes of love, hope, compassion and action in the world are lifted up through words, music, and growing connections within the Congregation.
We gather for worship each Sunday at 10 AM in the sanctuary and online via Zoom. Visit anytime! When you visit, please make sure to connect with one of our in-person or online greeters. These folks can offer information, answer your questions, and provide you with a visitor card. You can also complete an online visitor card so that we know you visited us and so that you can sign up to receive news and updates. After worship, those gathering in person gather for coffee and casual conversation in Elarth Hall. Those on Zoom might stay around to chat with one other.
Stick around after service, in-person or online, to chat with others. It’s a great way to connect!
We offer a fully-staffed nursery just steps away from the sanctuary. Children age 3 and up begin worship with their families and then depart for religious education, offered by trained volunteers.
After the service on each 2nd Sunday of the month, we gather for a potluck lunch. Visitors, don’t worry about brining a dish, simply join us as our honored guest. Potlucks are beautiful way to feed our bodies, minds, and souls.
Anytime you are, please introduce yourself to our minister, Rev. Pam, or ask a greeter to introduce you. Rev. Pam, as well as members or our Connections Committee, UUC Board members, and other friendly folks are always around and they make themselves readily available after service on the 3rd Sunday each month. Stick around and chat to learn more about UUC, UUism, and connecting to life in our congregation.
Zoom links for the Sunday worship services on our home page and links for other on-line and dual-platform gatherings on our online calendar or via Upcoming Events. If desired, please fill out this Visitor Card so that we know you visited us. There are also options to be contacted and get on our announcements mailing list. If interested in ways to connect with others in the congregation during this time, click here for Opportunities to Serve and Connect.
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information about UUC and Unitarian Universalism.