Simply put, stewardship means taking care of things you love.
As a loving community, we invite members and friends to commit to taking care of the many things we love about UUC:
- a caring congregation that is a welcoming place for all
- weekly worship gatherings that inspire, connect, and transform
- religious education and meaningful faith development for all ages
- support and care for each of us as we encounter joys and sorrows in life
- opportunities to serve the greater good, take care of others and the environment, and advocate for social change
Part of stewardship is our annual pledge drive where we ask for financial commitments to support UUC for the coming fiscal year.
Annual Pledge Drive
“In UU We Trust”
Each spring, UUC embarks on our annual pledge drive when members and friends are asked to make a monetary pledge to support the mission and vision of the congregation. This is one part of our stewardship ministry. Did you know that UUC receives no outside funding and relies solely on the generosity of congregants for support?
Pledging Party Brunch
Sunday, March 2, 10 AM
Our annual pledge drive (see below) launches with an amazing event, our annual Pledging Party Brunch. At this fun gathering, you’ll hear stories of transformation, be delighted with creative displays of talent, experience heart-warming testimonies, connect with others, and enjoy a delicious brunch, courtesy of our stewardship team: our gift to you. After this celebration of all we love at UUC, we will invite you to submit your financial pledge or ask you to go home and consider how you might support UUC in the coming fiscal year. Our Stewardship Pledge Drive will continue through the month of March. Attending the pledging party brunch via Zoom is always an option!
Stewards Needed!
Answer the call to connect with other UUCers
Stewards fulfill a beautiful role at UUC. These special volunteers reach out to congregants and guide them through the pledging process. Stewards only contact congregants who haven’t already pledged, so most stewards only have a short roster of friends and neighbors to contact. Stewards ask participants to make an annual pledge and often report that this process is a rewarding way to serve UUC and connect with others in our community. If you would like to consider serving as a steward, please contact stewardship ministry facilitator Mary Ann Hansen.
Our “UU Stewardship Page” contains timely updates and resources to help you discern your pledge and stay updated on our pledge drive progress. It launches soon and will be accessible by clicking the link above.
How to Pledge
Your commitment is so valuable to us. Thank you! There will be several different ways to submit your pledge at the Pledging Party Brunch and in the weeks beyond, including paper cards and online forms. Cards and forms will be available in early March 2025.
How Much Should I Give?
How much one donates is a very personal decision. The Unitarian Universalist Association recommends a donation of from 2-5% of one’s adjusted annual income. If your circumstances make this unrealistic, consider making it a goal to work toward. In the end it is not so much about “raising money” as it is creating a community of generosity where lives are literally transformed, where children learn our values, where we each find support in all areas of our lives, and where our values spread out into the larger world of social service and social justice. Give as generously as you can, experience the sense of joy and well-being that comes from creating and participating in the abundance of UUC.
How to Fulfill Your Pledge
You give generously, let us make it easy. Payments to fulfill your pledge can be made in a variety of ways:
- Your Banking Institutions. Make a one-time or recurring payment to UUC directly from your checking or savings account through your bank’s online bill pay. Most banks offer this service for free.
- Personal Check. Please have checks written to “UUC” with PLEDGE 25-26 in the memo line. Drop it in the offering basket at service; place it in the secure box in the administrator’s office door; or mail it to UUC, PO Box 10116, Blacksburg, VA 24062.
- Online. Pay through our secure online giving portal Please note that this method incurs fees paid by UUC. You also have the option to donate to offset these fees. To avoid fees, consider setting up auto-pay through your bank.
- Other. If you have a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA, you can choose to donate it to the UUC. This is called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD)*. Contact your financial advisor for more details. Important: be give us a heads up to expect this payment and also ask your financial institution to include your name when they make this payment so we can record it on your contribution record.
A note on Qualified Charitable Donations (QCDs); anyone over 70 1/2 can make a tax free withdrawal from an IRA-type account if sent directly to a charity – a QCD. Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) now (as of 2023) are not required until one reaches 73. If you are over 73, a QCD will count toward your RMD but you need not be required to take an RMD (over 73) to be able to make a QCD (over 70 1/2). Contact your financial advisor for help.