UUC receives no outside financial support and relies solely on the generosity of congregants. A Stewardship drive is conducted each spring where all are asked to make an annual pledge to support the congregation. To pay your pledge or to make a donation to our general fund, weekly 1/2 plate offering, YRUU, WVTF, or to make an auction payment, use our secure online donation form (link below) or send a check to UUC. If attending a service, place your check in the offering basket.
Use this link below for your donation via our secure Vanco donation page. You will need to specify where your donation goes.
Prefer to use your cellphone? Vanco also offers a mobile app (Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement in Google Play Store and Apple Store) for easy donating. Simply download the free app, select UUCNRV as the recipient and create an account.
We also offer off the very easy option of using Text to Give for your donation to UUC. Text “Fund” to 844-909-2617. You will be asked to fill in your information the first time the service is used. After that, when you text “Fund”, the list of funds will appear in the response. Simply enter the dollar amount your wish to donate (without a $), a space, and the fund you are donating to as written in the list texted back to you. If you receive a response asking you to text “repeat” or “refund”, do not reply.
Questions on any of these options? Email
Donating to UUC via your bank from your checking or savings accounts? Please have check written to “UUC” and mailed to our PO Box at:
PO Box 10116
Blacksburg, VA 24062-0116