Welcome! We hope you find at UUC a place that nurtures your spirit and inspires you. Membership at UUC means joining a beloved community dedicated to sharing a journey of spiritual growth and social transformation. When you are ready to make the commitment, you sign our membership book. You may become a member at any time.       


Want to Explore Membership at UUC?

Your path toward membership may include:

Participating in Congregational Life

You are warmly welcome to attend worship, classes, groups, potlucks and other activities that inspire or intrigue you at UUC. Introducing yourself to others during coffee hour after the service and joining in on our 2nd Sunday potlucks are great ways to meet people and learn about the congregation. You may also join an informal “chat” with our minister, a member of the Connections Committee, and a UUC Board member after the 3rd Sunday service to learn more about UUC, UUism, and connecting to life in our congregation.

Attending a Newcomers’ Orientation

Before becoming a member, many people attend a Newcomers’ Orientation held each fall, winter, and spring. Newcomers’ Orientations provide information about Unitarian Universalism and our local UUC. They also include a chance to reflect on your personal spiritual journey and hear about the spiritual journeys of others.

Consulting Additional Sources

The UUC website has past sermons, monthly newsletters, and various resource links. In the UUC Library, you can check out books, borrow videos, and read issues of UU World Magazine.

Becoming a Member (Formally)

You officially become a member when you sign the membership book. Though signing can occur anytime, most people sign either at a Newcomers’ Orientation or the New Members’ Recognition Ceremony. New Members’ Recognition Ceremonies are held several times during the year as part of a Sunday service.

Questions? Contact our Minister, Rev. Pam.