Welcome to our website here at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation. I’m glad you are checking us out online.

Message for June

We began the month of June with a bang, ordaining, along with the UU Church of Roanoke, our ministerial intern, the now Reverend Anna Tulou. This was the culmination of two years serving as her teaching congregation, and it was a joyous celebration. We send her off to Richmond, where she will serve as assistant minister at the First Unitarian Universalist Church, with all our love.  See photographs and the order of service here.

The next day during the Sunday service we honored the recipients of the first Isabel Berney Award for Excellence in Service. Afterwards, during our Annual Meeting, we approved the slate of new board members and the proposed budget. It was a packed two days!

As luck would have it, June’s theme is the Gift of Renewal. As I shared in my sermon on June 2nd, this is especially apt as I begin a time of personal renewal – enjoying a two-week “staycation,” followed by attending our annual UU ministers gathering and then the UUA General Assembly (both all-virtual this year), and then embarking on a three-month sabbatical. We are just finishing up seven years of shared ministry together, a time punctuated by COVID, the shutdown, and then coming back to worship and gather in-person and virtually. Which means it is a good time for me to let go of ministerial responsibility for a time to rest and recharge. I’ll spend some time traveling with Jamie – out west to visit friends, to my favorite lake in the Columbia River Gorge, and to Italy to visit my sister – but the rest of the time I’ll be enjoying time at home, restoring my spirit by reading, playing, gardening, and walking in the woods.

Before I leave, I’m excited to share the UUA General Assembly Sunday worship on June 23rd in the sanctuary. This annual service is what my husband loves calling a UU Megachurch – with UU’s all over the continent coming together to hear excellent preaching and powerful music. This year, the service will be led by Rev. Molly Housh Gordon, who serves our congregation in Columbia, Missouri. She asked her colleagues to send in photos of their chalices and videos of congregants passing yarn to each other (like we did in the fabulous youth-led service last month), so you should see our chalice and some familiar faces during the service. If you can’t make it to UUC at 10:00, you can watch the service livestreamed that afternoon at 1:00.

I’m so grateful to know that life at UUC will continue to be full and rewarding in my absence because so many people are willing and eager to take charge of all that needs to be done. Most of the social, spiritual, and conversation groups will be continuing through the summer. Check the calendar for times and places. The worship team will be making sure our Sunday services are spiritually nourishing, supporting guest speakers and ministers who will bring fresh ideas and perspectives. The Lay Pastoral Care Ministry will be available for pastoral needs. Rachel Craine, director of lifespan faith development, has not only planned fun-filled RE classes for children through 5th grade, but also monthly after-service picnics for all. (We still have room for summer RE volunteers – a great opportunity to find out how much fun it is to spend time with the youngest members of our faith community). Administrator Bekah Parker will be updating the directory, which you will be able to request by July 1st using this form. You can also use forms to send her announcement requests and requests to reserve spaces for gatherings.

If you have questions or concerns about whom to contact during my time away, you can find all the information using on the Sabbatical Update page.

I wish for all of you a season of Renewal – time for rest, relaxation, joy, and fun – and I look forward to being with you all in the fall!

With love and gratitude,

Rev. Pam