Children's Religious Education
Register for 2017-18 LFD Programs
The goals of the RE program are:
There are five themes that are reflected within the RE curriculum:
Religious Education Curriculum - 2017/2018
PreK (ages 3 and 4)
Chalice Children
Based on the premise that children learn best through experience, this program helps nurture spiritual growth, creativity and a sense of community through imaginative activities and rituals such as rhymes and fingerplays. Classes feature a storybook, fun craft and playtime with friends. Our emphasis is helping our youngest friends feel comfortable in their church community.
Grades K-1
Picture Book World Religions
An introduction to Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism is provided through a beautiful and engaging selection of picture books, allowing our children to explore the differences and similarities to their own lives. With this first exposure to religions of the world, we allow our children to begin a journey of understanding, tolerance and celebration for the diversity of human expressions of faith.
Grades 2-3
Spirit of Adventure
This UU-identity curriculum is written for active children, using physical movement, challenge and adventure as teaching mechanisms. While engaging in activities like dissecting electronics, building cantilevered architecture using graham crackers, and singing Jingle Bells in “dog” language, our children will learn about other UUs - some famous and some in our own congregation - while finding their own UU identities .
Grades 4-5
Holidays and Holy Days
Holidays are an age-old vehicle of religious socialization, setting time aside to remember a great person or event, give thanks for life's bounty, or to invoke light and gladness for overcoming darkness and danger, death and drought. Festivities tell a story which children absorb through experiences far more than through words. The class will learn about and celebrate holidays and holy days of world religions throughout the year.
Grades 6-7-8
Building Bridges
This world religions curriculum introduces middle school youth to the faith traditions and practices of other religious groups in their community. Through classroom discussion and reflection and visits to other churches, the program deepens a youth’s understanding of the dynamic, fascinating and varied world in which they live, broadening their knowledge of humanity and emboldening their spiritual search.
Grade 8 (pre-registered for full year)
Coming of Age
Coming of Age is a special program that pairs youth with an adult mentor in the Congregation, to prepare for the transition from childhood to adulthood. This program emphasizes self-awareness and confidence-building, as well as service to our Congregation and to the community. It culminates in an affirmation ceremony and in the writing of personal credos.
Registration is required for every child, every year. Registration forms for new children are available in the RE office or online. Returning children will receive registration information prior to the fall semester via email. Register online.
Sunday Mornings
On most Sundays, children begin in the Sanctuary with parents for the first 15 minutes of the service. After “For All Ages”, the children and their teachers leave for their classrooms. RE classes last approximately one hour. Parents should pick up their children at the end of class time.
We welcome young guests in our religious education classes on Sunday mornings. We ask that a Visitor’s Form be completed by the adult responsible for the child. To enroll in the RE program, please fill our a Registration Form, obtainable from the DLFD or RE teacher.
We know that it can be difficult for some children, particularly those who are younger, to feel comfortable in a new place, Parents are welcome to accompany their children to class for the first few visits to ease the transition to separation.
Your children learn about the importance of their religious community from you. We hope that you can make weekly attendance at RE classes a priority for your family and that you yourself will find ways to engage with UUC. We want UUC to be your family's spiritual home! By being here regularly, you're making it likely that you child will feel "at home" here and will make meaningful connections with other childrena dn adults.
All households with children registered in child care or children's religious education are expected to volunteer in some way toward the success of our programs for children and youth. We have many needs and limited staffing, so your help is essential. There are a wide variety of volunteer activities to choose from.
Safety Policy
All teachers and advisors involved in ongoing work with minors are required to pass background and reference checks, per UUC policy. Two adult teachers will be present in each classroom during regular RE classes.
Children’s Offering
Our Children’s Offering benefits the Interfaith Food Pantry. Donations of canned goods and cash will be accepted in class. All parents are encouraged to have their children participate in supporting this worthwhile organization. Learn more.
Download a copy of the 2017-18 Lifespan Faith Development Prospectus.